our Philosophy
Learn What goes behind the veil!
Cubiloon is a new-age tool or say a suite of multiple tools that completely removes the management off of your shoulders. Coming from the people who had skin in the game and ran their own agency, Cubiloon is the solution that any agency owner will require eventually. From managing projects, creating timelines, and fixing bugs to doing the knit-bits of the financials flowing through your venture Cubiloon strives to cover every aspect of your venture. You no longer need to juggle with 10s of tools, simply send invoices, create contracts, and do sales with our state-of-the-art CRM system.
Tools Cubiloon Replaces:
Customer Relationship Management Software
Accounting & finance softWARE
Cubiloon Saves You From Jugging between 10+ tools, saving 100s of dollars and 10s of hours.
Cubiloon is a venture that is not solely focused on utilitarian solutions but fuels itself with a cavernous philosophy, human life is fairly short. 1/3 of is spent in slipping and another major chunk in menial task. The remaining half should not be spent in mechanical tasks, they ought to be lived with the fullest sensuality, Cubiloon strives to cut off hours of time that is spent by you on menial tasks and sublimate it into things that really matter.
That said, Cubiloon is a part-tech and part-philosophical project. That tries to conjoin humanities with technology and propel the human species forwards.
Do things faster, cut off anything that takes away your time and makes you do tedious tasks. Cubiloon believes in speed.
Do things with a hyper-focused approach, and complete the tasks with apt precision. Do your craft for its joy and put your soul into it.
Remain a reliable source in this highly chaotic and unreliable work, stay true to your art and let your creative juices flow.
The ancient Daoist doctrine of wu-wei believes in this action with inaction, things should be done with so much effortlessness that they feel like inaction.
Cubiloon has a pillar of principles that differentiates it from other tech ventures, our goal isn’t only to change things technologically but bringing in a paradigm shift within the philosophical perspective.
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